TAG Assignment : Use the first letter of your name to answer questions.
(a) Copy to your own notes.
(b) Erase my answers.
(c) Enter yours and tag twenty (20) people.
(d) Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
(e) They have to be real. Nothing made up.
(f) If the person before u had the same first initial, you must use different answers.
(g) You cannot use any words twice.
(h) You can't use your name for the boy / girl name question.
So.. i have to follow d rules from A - H.. Wokey.. will try babehhh..
1) What is your name : Rashidah ehem ehem ehem
2) A four letter word : Rush
3) A boy's name : Raffael Rash
4) A girl's name : Rozell Rocher
5) An occupation : radiographer
6) A colour : Roses
7) Something you wear : Red Skarf
8) A food : Rasberry cake
9) Something found in the bathroom : Rope Bathroom suite
10) A place : Republic Of The Congo
11) A reason for being late : Running 1000 meters
12) Something u shout : Rolex watches is missing
13) A movie title : Resident Evil
14) A musical group : Red Hot Chili Peppers
15) An animal : Rhinoceros Black
16) A street name : Raja Chulan
17) A type of car : Rs 911 Turbo Porche
So so lah.. Oklah tuh daripada tak de.. Aku pun tak tahu nak bagi pada sape.. Kepada readers ku yang budiman, ceria selalu dan ketawa tak henti2 please ambik Tag ni. Kalau yang mau aje.. kalau ngak ya udah.. Ngak ada paksaan.. =)
Selamat ber Tag N Tag heuer Wokey.... Good luck

tgk mcm selamba je jawab? zoro pikir sampai penat jawapan baru dapat.. hehe