tampal je....

kalaulah senang macam ni tak payah susah-susah keluar duit nak baiki.. beli je plaster dan tampal.. habis ceta..

2 comments.. read them below or add one

 Lee Lee Selasa, Januari 12, 2010
Hi Nur, ha ha, I really love women like you.
You have a great sense of humour.
Very original idea too, ha ha, put a badage.
Ada Iodine ke?
Is that your car? A camel ran into your car? Ha ha.

You take it easy and stay beautiful, Lee.
nurmisnan nurmisnan Rabu, Januari 13, 2010
hello uncle lee
thanks for coming puji lohh.. im ot a good sense humour uncle but so so lah. the original idea is not from me but my italian friend just told me bout this. if unta crash my car uncle i think d car is not kemek but terbalik. hehehehe
u make me laughing uncle. thanks

you 2 take it easy and and stay young n macho... lol